Sequel to the circular No: NJC/CIR/HIC/11/660, issued under the hand and the signature of His Lordship, the Honirable Chief Justice of Nigeria, the Hon. Justice Dr. L.T. Muhammad, CFR dated 7th day of May, 2020 and directed to the Heads of Courts in the Federation of Nigeria, on the need and steps to be taken to reopen and operate all the courts in the country in the situation and circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria.
I, Hon. Justice Yakubu Gyang Dakwak, Chief Judge of Plateau State, under my hand and signature on this 28th day of May 2020 Hereby issue this circular No. 2 of 2020 regulating the reopening of the High Courts, Magistrate courts, Area courts, Inspectorate and Probate division of the Plateau State Judiciary.
1(a) There is need to fumigate all cost halls in the state prior to their reopening in order to sanitize them against the COVID-19 virus.
(b) The Fumigatiom is to be handled by the Executive Arm of Government of the State because the Judiciary lacks the Technical capacity to carry out this exercise.
PART 1 (A)
1(a) Every person wishing to enter the court premises, without exception, shall be subjected to the temperature monitor reading for the determination of his or her body temperature; and shall also wash and sanitize his or her hands.
(b) Amyone who refuses to submit himself or herself for the reading of his or her body temperature and to wash and sanitize his or her hands shall be politely refused entry into the court premises and advised to leave the entrance immediately.
(c) At no time under no Circumstance shall anyone while whithin the court premises, including inside courtrooms, offices and the chambers of the Judiciary Offices not wear face masks.
(d) Anyone who refuses, neglects or is unwilling to wear face mask at any time within the court premises shall be polite be advised to leave and be escorted outside the premises by security personnel.
(e) Facemasks must be properly worn by everyone within the court premises to cover their mouths and noses at all times.
2(a) Every person within the premises of the court and inside the courtroom shall observe the requirements of social and physical distancing of no less than 3 metres (6 feet) apart from each other.
(b) At any given time, there shall not be a congregation of more than 10 within the court premises, except for purposes of court sittings.
3(a) There shall not be more than 20 persons inside the courtroom including the court staff and council of court sittings.
(b) In a representative or class-action where there are many litigants they shall decide amongst themselves who will represent them as they shall not be more than 20 persons, including the court staff and counsel at court sittings.
(c) Council representation in cases with multiple parties Charlotte much as possible be restricted to one Council representation per party in the court and in the case of representation by a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, his appearance is limited to being with one other Senior Advocate of Nigeria (where applicable) and/or his Junior counsel.
(d) Judges are to use their discretion to ensure that steps of specific and general hygiene are taken to promote the Spirit of Rules contained herein.
1(a) The number of cases on the cause list shall not exceed per day.
(b) For the purpose of Case Management, Honourable Judges are to allocate time slots to each case in consideration of the number of persons permitted to be present in court, in order to maintain the limit of 20 persons.
1. The Chief Registrar is directed to make a rotational roaster for staff to trim the number of Staff in order to maintain social and physical distance.
2. The Chief Registrar is hereby directed to effect all administrative arrangements to reflect this new order.
1. In view of valuable time already taken in the course of the lockdown such period of lockdown is to be computed as vacation time.
2. Their shall therefore be no vacation during the long vacation and Christmas vacation during this legal year.
3. All Judges for the High Court in the State shall be granted first period to sit, hear and determine matters.
Circular No. 1, 2020 on Preventive Measures On The Spread Of The Corona Virus (COVID-19) And The Protection of Judges And Staff Of All Staff Of All Courts Is Over Taken By This Circular.
Dated at Jos, this 28th day of May 2020.
Hon. Justice Y.G Dakwak,
Chief Judge,
Plateau State.
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