Plateau Rep Member Impersonates Appeal Court President's Brother

Plateau Rep Member Impersonates Appeal Court President's Brother

...Dupes Unsuspecting Persons of Millions

A member of the House of Representatives for Mikang/ Shendam/Quanpaan Federal Constituency, Hon. Komsol Longap, is currently enmeshed in impersonation scandal.

He is reported to have duped scores of people of millions of naira
by claiming to be the brother of the President of the Court of Appeal and able to assist them influence cases pending at the Federal Court of Appeal.

He is reported to have taken advantage of the fact that he hails from the same Local Government with the Appeal Court President to make people believe he is related to the Appeal Court President.

The scandal blew open when one of the victims found out after giving out huge sums of money from him, that the Honourable Member had no access to the appeal court President and was only claiming to be related to her.

The victim, a top politician from the South Eastern part of the country said he was introduced to the member as the brother to the President of the Court of Appeal and was asked to pay N400 million to facilitate his case at the Appeal court.

"Initially, I believed them because I thought as an Honourable Member that he wouldn't lie to me but I discovered the truth after they stopped picking my calls after collecting my money," he said.

The politician said it was after that that he conducted his investigations and found out that Hon. Komsol was not acting on behalf of the Appeal court President but was preying on unsuspecting persons on his own. He further realised that several people have fallen victim of his scam.

Attempts to reach the Honourable Member to clear the air proved abortive as he didn't reply text message send to him by this medium.

But checks at Shendam revealed that the Honourable Member who is re-contesting the seat has been spending big on his elections.
