Plateau Central: Delegates should always look at someone with experience, capacity and competent that can perform while electing party candidate-Rt. Hon. Yipmong

Plateau Central: Delegates should always look at someone with experience, capacity and competent that can perform while electing party candidate-Rt. Hon. Yipmong

Rt. Hon. Shehu Saleh Yipmong, member representing Dengi State constituency in the Plateau State House of Assembly who double as the Deputy Speaker and a frontline senatorial aspirant under the platform of the ruling All Progressives Congress APC in the forthcoming 2023 general election, called on all delegates who are saddle with the responsibility of electing parties flag bearers to always look at someone who has the experience, rudiment, credibility and competent to represent the people well.

Rt. Hon. Yipmong made the call while granting an exclusive interview to this medium, and he stated that for the people of central senatorial zone of Plateau State to get it right at the National Assembly, they need to send someone who has the experience of legislation, the technical know-how of how lawmaking business work.

Furthermore, Rt. Hon. Yopmong stated that it is true that all the people contesting the election to go red Chamber of the national assembly have distinguished themselves in their various field of engagement, but the work of representation is another different ball game of its own that need experience to achieve the desired devidend of democracy for the people.

Rt. Hon. Yipmong also stated that the reason why people see first timers hardly performed in the assembly activities is because they are not conversant with the rudiment and technicalities of representation, so they always use their first term in office to be acquainted with legislative activities which Plateau Central doesn't need that kind of person right now.

A surveyor by profession turn politician also in his disclosure stated that, being a politician is not about gathering wealth for yourself and family, but is about how did you impact or improve the living standards of one's constituents.

Rt. Hon. Yipmong revealed that, him being someone whom the people of his constituency trust him with their mandate at the Plateau House of Assembly for good two tenure, and also him being someone whom his colleagues can also trust him with their mandate to be the second highest ranking office at the state assembly for five years now, is a testament that yes am a trust worthy person.

Yipmong stated that he personally presented himself to the people of Plateau Central Senatorial Zone afte careful studying the politics of the zone and the evolution of representation in the zone to from 1999 to date, and having shared the yearning and aspirations of the people to have someone who will really bring the true meaning of devidend of democracy is what make him to offer himself for the contest.

He said, by the shared Providence of God, he was elected into the business of representation at the Plateau State House of Assembly in year 2015 till date by his people, and for the seven years he stayed at the state assembly has really equip him with what it takes to represent Plateau Central.

Yipmong also revealed that the act of representation is something that is very vast, and looking at the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria as amended, states clearly the power of a perlaimentrian the constitution clearly spells out their responsibilitie, which spans across lawmaking, overside functions, and the most importantly is the power of representation which a new timer might not know how to go about doing it.

He said, that power of representation is limitless in the sense that it encompasses the entire lifestyle and well being of the people.

And having serve his people in the state assembly for seven years plus now, and also having serve the house itself as it Deputy Speaker for five years he have seen the intrix of been a legislator he have developed the capacity of representing Plateau Central.

Rt. Hon. Yipmong also commended the people of Plateau State for cherishing ones another despite the ethic and religious diversity.

He said, a typical Plateau man, love, cherish and respect one another across religion or their ethnic background which was exhibited in making him the Deputy Speaker in the Plateau State House of Assembly being a Muslim man from Kanam local Government of the State.

Rt. Hon. Yipmong call on Plateau people, particularly the central zone citizens to as a matter of fact know that the entire state is a cluster of people from different diversity who decided to cohabit together.
