Mazadu earned the disreputation of hobnobbing with all the leading political parties in the state in search of stomach infrastructure.

Mazadu earned the disreputation  of hobnobbing with all the leading political parties in the state in search of stomach infrastructure. 

The All Progressives Congress in Plateau State has come across a press statement by the Labour Party's hawkish mouthpiece, Shabul Mazadu who has earned the disreputation  of hobnobbing with all the leading political parties in the state in search of stomach infrastructure. 

Statement made available to this medium and was signed by Hon. Sylvanus Namang, APC State Publicity Secretary stated that in the so-called press release tagged '' IGNORE FICTITIOUS RUMOUR FROM THE DROWNING APC''  he claimed that the All Progressives Congress in Plateau State has gone to town with news of its hyperactive gubernatorial candidate, Dr Patrick Dakum stepping down for the ever prepared for governance  and focused gubernatorial candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Dr Nentawe Yilwatda Goshwe. 
 The APC would have ignored the cacophony of the fledging Labour Party in the state  as mere kite flying by its panicky, separatist and opportunistic agents who have now realised that their principal has embarked on a journey to no specific destination but we need to put the records straight. 
 While we have refrained from  joining issues with Dr atrick Dakum who jumped from the ship of collective bargain  to obscurity, we advise that he should not allow his mostly fair weather followers to lead him to the precipice. 
 The  APC acknowledges his contributions as one of its  gubernatorial aspirants who left midway into the contest after realising that defeat was glaring.
He miscalculated as his newfound party in the state  exists more on the social media and  lays dangerous  claims to religious purity, a belief which  has evaporated into the tin air, hence the search for where next to go.
 Dr Patrick Dakum moved to the Labour  party in a controversial manner with a few tribal warlords  and hero worshippers who  are known for massaging the ego of whoever pays the piper and  dictates the tune.
The APC is not and would not waste it time and energy on someone who on his own decided to leave for reasons best known to him. We cannot be intimidated by Dakum's antecedents as claimed by Shabul. 
  The APC which has been threatened with baseless litigations which have all collapsed irretrievably as confirmed by the courts, has remained as one indivisible and indissoluble entity prepared to go into the general elections exactly two weeks ahead with full confidence. 
  We have from the Wase gubernatorial flag off a few days ago, reaped bountifully from genuine partners from the YPP following its gubernatorial candidate Engr Manji Gontori and its Wase House of Assembly  Engr Hamza Haruna joining our fold with tens of  thousands of their supporters. 
We  are going to have more purposeful partners join us as we role out our awesome campaign  machinery to the Central and Northern Senatorial Districts next week.
  We advise the Labour Party to  leave the APC alone. If its gubernatorial candidate on his own volition is contemplating a return to the APC, he is welcome as a prodigal son would not be  rejected by his father.

