Pack and pay is not necessarily for income generation but also means of decongestion
Pack and pay is not necessarily for income generation but also means of decongestion
The Acting General Manager Jos Metropolitan Development Board (JMDB) TPL Kefas Jonh Yilrwang has disclosed that the policy of pack and pay initiated by the Governor Simon Bako Lalong's administration implemented is not necessarily for income generation alone, but also a means of decongesting the Jos Bukuru metropolis.
TPL Yilrwang made this known in an exclusive interview he granted some men at his JMDB headquarters office on yesterday 5th March, 2022.
TPL Yilrwang, also used the opportunity to warned politicians against pasting their posters on public facilities and buildings to deface the state capital with their electioneering campaign posters.
He said,” it has become necessary for JMDB to once more remind developers of buildings that the approval of the board is a requirement by law and not optional.
Furthermore, he also emphasized that all those carrying out construction without approval and in areas such as under high tension electric lines, flood plains, natural drainage channels, rivers, and hilly terrains are advised to henceforth stop further work on site.
The Staff of the Board shall serve notice where such developments are found and also take steps to enforce the notices when they expire.
However, the doors of the Board are open at all times to guide developers towards obtaining approval to build at appropriate locations, he stated.
According to him, the management, therefore, solicits the cooperation of members of the public towards securing a planned city.
He gave an extreme order warning politicians in Plateau state against pacing their posters littering the state capital with displaying adverts on the major streets, and highways without obtaining permission from the appropriate authority.
Kefas stated that the action of taking by the politician is tantamount to illegal which is not right, whether or social or religious association is highly condemnable pasting posters on public facilities.
“We have realized people simply paced posters across to deface the state capital is causing environmental disaster to overhead bridges and roundabout, the beauty of the state being threatened so we have to take steps to remove all the posters pasted on the streets of Plateau which is a” home of peace and tourism,”.
He expressed sadness that the beauty to be seen is gone, we will guide politicians,on where to paste their posters “.
We are encountering problems once there is an electioneering campaign period, no one wants to allow aspirants to sell their candidacy, but insisted that they must follow the right channel to ensure that their campaign posters follow the due process of placing at strategy.
We, advise politicians, to stop pacing their campaign posters at locations that are against the law without the approval of the government and use them to deface.
TPL Yilrwang said the JAMB will soon introduce park and pay to drive maximum revenue to the state, not because introduced anything but sanity and restrict the cleanest to the state capital
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