2023 - Group calls for power to shift to South East

2023 - Group calls for power to shift to South East 

"Drums support for Ned Nwoko 

Group operating under the aegis of Coalition of Ethnic Nationalities in Nigeria on Saturday  called for power shift to the South east part of the country .

Comrade Prince Miaphen  the National President of the group made this known while addressing newsmen in Jos the Plateau state capital  .

Prince said that "As permutations for the 2023 elections begin to gather steam and multiple agitations calling for power shift to the South Eastern Nigeria keep rising, we the Coalition of Ethnic Nationalities in Nigeria, for equity, unity and oneness concur that power should indeed move to the South East .

He said that "In our search of a credible  Candidate among many other qualified personalities in the South East, our lens of scrutiny was widely beamed amongst credible patriots but finally narrowed down on Prince Ned Nwoko as the best choice for the Presidency come 2023.
Prince Ned Nwoko is a lawyer per excellence , Politician with great finesse and an altruistic humanitarian who has championed several sterling causes of global reckoning. 

The President of the group further  said that Ned Nwoko  was a Member of the Federal House of Representatives between 1999 and 2003 representing Aniocha North-South and Oshimili North- South.

"The Prince is highly industrious, Visionary and Very Generous.
A Man of Many parts who is well known for his patriotic and philanthropic instincts and a notable Pan- Africanist, Prince Ned Nwoko is unpretentious about his love for his country and continent."

In 2017 and 2019, Prince Ned Nwoko boldly succeeded in securing the Paris club refund for his country, Nigeria.
The refund was a relief hugely beneficial to the three tiers of government in Nigeria particularly for the payment of workers, salaries, provision of welfare and some critical social infrastructure.
The life line came at a time when the nation was on the throes of recession and severe economic downturn. It also helped the country's governments to regain their fiscal balance.

The huge amount of the Paris club fund came in tranches of billions of dollars. 
Just like the Paris club refund which he singlehandedly secured for Nigeria, Prince Ned Nwoko's Malaria free Africa project comes as a timely intervention which would certainly save millions of lives in Africa. 

His heroic feat in successfully tracking the Paris club for years and securing the life saving refund illustrate extraordinary commitment to national duty. These indelible imprints of positive significance are incontrovertible pointers to the fact that Prince Ned Nwoko ranks primus inter pares amongst a rare breed of leaders who place fervid patriotism and altruistic humanism above every other consideration. Indeed, qualities Nigeria direly yearns for in anyone who should steer the ship of our affairs going forward. 

He certainly feels a sense of patriotic accomplishment over what he had done for his beloved country. To him, to carry out a patriotic duty and accomplish the task comes with a unique feeling of a sense of national fulfillment. This is his sole and singular passion vis a vis his wellspring of fulfillment. 

Prince Ned Nwoko is currently holding discussion on the first Sport University in Africa. This will open the gates for Africa to rise and take her pride of place as a formidable giant in global sporting affairs. It is indeed worthy of note that Prince Ned Nwoko has several other noble ideas and initiatives rolled up his sleeves, which ideas can frogleap Nigeria to the front lines on the economic plinth in the comity of nations. 

He is Widely traveled, well experienced with vast connections across the globe to bring about massive developments to Nigeria.
His legislative experiences and also business acumen will surely give Nigeria an edge among others having him on the saddle of leadership. 
It most not escape our consciousness that Prince Ned Nwoko is incorruptible and very honest in all his dealings, averse to injustice and uncompromising in transparency. 
 For all his selfless efforts for a healthier and economically stronger Nigeria and Africa, it will not be out of place to vest our unflinching support  on Prince Ned Nwoko for the Presidency of Nigeria come 2023.

He called on the citizens to always support at all times if the need arises .
