Standing Ovation As Hon. Daniel Bags The Most Outstanding Lawmaker On Empowerment and Constituency Representation award, 2021.

Standing Ovation As Hon. Daniel Bags The Most Outstanding Lawmaker On Empowerment and Constituency Representation award, 2021.

The lawmaker representing Mikang Constituency in the Plateau State House of Assembly and the Majority Leader of the House Hon. Na'anlong Gapyil Daniel has just bagged an award “IN RECOGNITION OF HIS CONDOR, UNPRECEDENTED SUPPORT, LOYALTY AND BELIEVING IN THEIR VISION”* by The Piapung Youth Development Association {PYDA}.

The youthful lawmaker is famed for his numerous projects scattered across his constituency. Hon. Na'anlong Daniel has indeed proven that governance is not all about self-aggrandizement.

The award which was endorsed not only by the Youth Development Association but also His Royal Highness Lowrence Nanshel Lityong The Long Piapung 

Presenting the Award to the Lawmaker, The National President, Piapung Development Association, Dr. Na'anshep Daniel Gopgap said the award is timely, acknowledging  the outstanding record breaking performance of Hon. Na'anlong Daniel. He said this is the first time the community is awarding her son because of his feat and called him a worthy ambassador of Piapung nation and a true son of the soil.

In his Goodwill message, the Royal Father, The Long Piapung admonished all sons and daughters of Mikang to always support Hon. Na'anlong Daniel, noting that the lawmaker has done excellently well and deserves all the necessary support to enable him continue the good work he has started.

Receiving the award, The Majority Leader thanked all for recognizing his efforts with the award, noting that he will continue to do his best in elevating leadership and promote transparency, accountability and probity in the discharge of his legislative representation to his constituency.

The Ranking Lawmaker assured that he is committed to the advancement of Mikang, adding that he will attract more projects to give a new look to his constituency.

The Majority Leader encouraged The Piapung Youth Development Association to continue to discharge her duties and assured them of his support at all times.

Dignitaries at the occasion includes the Rt. Hon. Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly ably Represented by the Deputy Speaker, Rt. Hon. Shehu Sale Yipmong who spoke on behalf of the House, admonishing the constituents to give their uttmost support to the  Member because of his hardwork and commitment to legislative business and effective constituency representation in providing dividends of democracy to his people. 

Goodwill messages also came from The Deputy Majority Leader of the State House. Hon. Wallock Philip Goma, who acknowledged the contributions of Hon. Na’anlong G. Daniel as an outspoken and courageous leader who has made his Mark in the 9th assembly and deserves his people's support in his future endeavors. Also present at the occasion is Hon. Livinus Kwapfuan Representing Shendam Constituencies Respectively.
