Our appointment is for restoration not for personal aggrandizement- Hon. Exodus

Our appointment is for restoration not for personal aggrandizement- Hon. Exodus

By, Daniel Kura

The State Chairman People's Democratic Party (PDP) Plateau State chapter, Hon Nandom Pyennap Exodus and a one time Chairman of Langtang North LGC, Former Member of the Plateau State House of Assembly, representing Langtang North, North constituency and a two term Plateau State PDP Gubernatorial aspirant in 2015 and 2019 respectively said their appointment into the Plateau State leadership of the Party is nothing but for restoration of the past glory of the party towards winning the forthcoming 2023 general election in the State and not for their personal aggrandizement. 

Hon. Exodus disclosed this to our medium in an interview he granted at his resident in Rayfield, Jos South Local Government  of Plateau State yesterday Thursday 28, May, 2020 said their appointment came to be through the unanimous decision taking by all the members of the Board of Trustee of the Party from Plateau having seeing the tenure of Hon. Chocho and his Exco  expired on the 10, May, 2020 and all the kind of shenanigans that took place at the wards and Local Government Congress in the State. 

Furthermore, he said the last wards, and Local Government congresses is described as the worst congresses conducted in the history of elections held in Nigeria because party men didn't adhere strictly to the tenet of democracy. 

He said, honestly the last wards congresses this is the worst elections ever conducted in the history of congresses in plateau state in a situation where someone sit down to handwriting list of which about 9  out of the 17 LGAs they just wrote names and that is why they are now challenging it in court. 

However, they just mess up the whole system with selfish agenda, we are not ready to join issues with them but to ensure that our coming on board was to sanitize the entire damage done to conduct a peaceful and credible elections .

Hon. Exodus explained that he hasn't been on the run, I'm a true party man, I can't be on the run most of them know my house and they even have my phone number those who don't know about me should find out. 

In politics there are several ways of conflict for some of them telling us that we just constituted ourselves into exco,, Nandom exo pennap says, it was the stakeholders who sat down and came up with names where my name emerge from them so General JT Useni  is not aware of this list. 

He reiterated that after the expiration of the tenure of the present exco the stakeholders brought the list of care taker committee to safe the soul of the party because we want justice and we are fighting for justice melted on the aggrieved members of PDP. 

According to Exodus, he said interim Exco didn't come to exchange blames with any group but to ensure that the right thing is done by conducting elections  to usher in brand new exco that  would pilot the affairs of our greatest party. 

He said, "to me  today if the national secretariat wake up and decide that we are illegal, we are prepare to step down from the office to allow peace to reign but in a situation where some of them insisted that they want to remain in that by constituting themselves into nuisance going about begging claiming to be fighting is not right. 

Nandom lamented that everyone of them know me I'm not going to  be going about soliciting for assistance anywhere from individuals but I was nominated by stakeholders to conduct elections. 

To be sincere from the national chairman is very aware of the happening in Plateau PDP, I don't want where we start fighting them, we can't join words with them because we are all party men who are prepare to resolve our differences between us not allow third party step in. 
I believe that even between June the National secretariat will step in ahead of Plateau Southern senatorial district bye election to resolve the internal wrangling, we are not at war but this is one family. We are not going to be divided during the election, APC can't fight PDP because they are formendable team, we believe this crises would be resolve amicably so that we can go into election with peace. 

Nandom reveals that politics in Tarokland  if we are sincere to ourselves Useni is the most elderly person so we need to give him the maximum cooperation just as we all rally round to overwhelmingly gave support to our greatest son late Solomon Daushep Lar of the blessed memory. 

He stated that sincerely we can sit down and discuss our differences to find solutions to it and remove selfish agenda to avoid imposing of candidates for people because democracy is a government of the people so they should be allow to make the choice of candidate of their own. 

We are prepare to come together and resolve the lingering crises in tarokland  because Useni insisted that crises most end in our land. 

He condemns where people would sit down and handwriting names of people whom they believe are loyal to them is totally unacceptable and undemocratic practice anywhere in the world.
