With utmost respect, I write to congratulate you on your success having emerged as the flag bearer for the All Progressives Congress (APC)  on the Plateau as its gubernatorial faithful. 
May I also remind you that there is more than meets the eye in a bid to your ascension to this exalted throne as Executive Governor of the State. Your being victorious depends largely on many factors and especially on your disposition. The principal among these factors is your choice of your deputy. This is the time that you have to demonstrate capacity to lead Plateau State. It is time that you need to assert your independence in the choice of who will work with you. Anything to the contrary may portray unpleasant consequences for you. Do not say then that you have not been told. 
The making of deputy governors transcends rhetorics and conjectures. The fact is that in our 23 years of democracy and even prior to this time the truths of the choice of deputy governors on the Plateau has had little or nothing to do with denominational balance but everything to do with context. 
For example, the choice for Da Michael Botmang as Deputy Governor to then Governor Dariye had everything to do with his ethnicity and nationality when Elder Kibadau of blessed memory had to be dropped despite the fact that he had been named to deputies for Dariye. Wise counsel demanded going to the drawing board. That worked the magic and they won the elections and managed themselves for eight years. The choice of Dame Pauline Tallen by Baba Jang had everything to do with the role she played in getting President Obasanjo to stamp his feet to say there should be re-run of Primary elections. Were there a re-run Damishi T. Sango would have won that re-run with Engineer Jimmy Cheto of blessed memory as Deputy Governor. Therefore, the choice of Pauline was a compensation. It had nothing to do with her denomination. 
Furthermore, the choice of Ambassador Ignatius D. Longjang become a fallout for him due to the shenanigans of Pauline Tallen who was not satisfied with her position as Deputy Governor but contested with Jang, here principal then. It also has everything to do with the fact that he was seen as a pawn on the political chess board. Indeed, he proven those that chose him right as he demonstrated uncommon loyalty. It has little to with denominationalism. The choice of Professor Sonny Gwanle Tyoden as Deputy Governor to his excellency, SB Lalong had everything to do with his nationality and indeed how many votes they will garner for the APC. That decision and choice paid up. They Mwaghavul as a nation queued behind him. He is also demonstrating uncommon loyalty. 
In 2019, the APC won the second bid of the come back of SB Lalong with less than 40,000 votes despite the power of incumbency. The choice of Deputy by the opposing PDP was no match to Professor Tyoden by the ruling APC. The choice of the principal alias Baba Mai Tuwo did not help matters either. Despite this however, the margin was narrow, despite the fact that they were both worshippers in the same denomination.  
Sir, you will agree with me that denominationalism and the balancing of same is insignificant in winning an election in Plateau State. It is about persons and context. It is beyond rhetorics and conjectures. The same goes for the choice of the governors as well. 
For example, the emergence of Chief Joshua Chibi Dariye as governor had everything to do with his person most especially his generosity and not his demography because having come from Horop, is a minority of minorities.  The emergency of Da Jonah Jang as governor has everything to do with his performance as military Governor of Benue and defunct Gongola States and more with his hardline position to issues and with the Plateau spirit. 
The emergence of His Excellency SB Lalong has everything to do with the errors of judgement of Baba Jang in his nepotistic succession bid. It has little to do with his nationality and or religious denomination. Fact remains that SB Lalong was a child of necessity in the Plateau Spirit. As a matter of fact, your emergency as gubernatorial faithful has more to do with the anticipations that you will not betray the Lalong regime. You are seen as a lame duck with little experience and prone to be manipulated and used as a pawn.  
Let me state without any fear of contradiction that of all the persons I have mentioned, each one ascended to power based on the circumstances then and not his demography or the denomination he represents, perhaps only two people ascended to their position due to their ethnicity and that is professor Tyoden and Da Michael Botmang. It is not about the office but about their personalities in the office. Therefore your choice of deputy cannot be otherwise. 
That choice is your prerogative. You must assert yourself in this regards. Anything short of this you would have been strangulated from day one. Refuse to be intimidated and do the needful. 
I know you are not a throw away. Look for a person that will add value to your position that will add your votes, a person that will listen to you, a person that has been in the corridors of power that will serve as a compass to you Good luck I come in peace.
Marde Gaskida is the coordinator, Coalition for Good Governance on the Plateau
