Dalung secure FG intervention towards ending water scarcity in Langtang South LGC

Dalung secure FG intervention towards ending water scarcity in Langtang South LGC

The perennial scarcity of potable water in Langtang South Local Government Area of Plateau State will soon be a thing of the past.

This follows the decision of the Federal Government to take an unprecedented step to provide a lasting solution to the water crisis in the area, which has been neglected by successive Administrations in the country.

The heart lifting news was conveyed to the Former Minister of Youth and Sports Development Barrister Solomon Dalung in a letter from the Federal Ministry of Water Resources in Abuja.

An overjoyed Dalung, a die hard loyalist of President Muhammadu Buhari, was full of praise over this development, which will no doubt trigger spontaneous jubilation among the people of the area who had become accustomed to competing with livestock over scarce water resources.

"Water is life. President Muhammadu Buhari has therefore given my people a new lease of life with this intervention. No longer will they have to trek for kilometres and draw water from the same dirty water holes with both wild and domestic animals." Dalung said." For many years since the creation of the Local Government, we have been crying for help to address our water needs without any response. Buhari has wiped our tears and the only tears we now have are tears of joy" he added.

The letter from the Federal Ministry of Water Resources entitled "Construction of Water Supply Project in Sabon Gida Langtang South LGA" says the intervention was in response to the passionate appeal of the former Youth and Sports Minister in his earlier letter to the Ministry.

The Water Resources Ministry informed him that a contractor had been secured to construct potable water supply schemes in Sabon Gida and sued for the former Minister's cooperation for the successful execution of the project.

It would be recalled that in addition to seeking Federal Government Intervention, Dalung had personally initiated the construction of an earth dam in the area last year, to alleviate the suffering of his people.

This would be the third major Federal Government Project under President Buhari, to be sited in Langtang South, arguably one of the least developed LGAs in the country.

Earlier the Federal Government had sited a Modern Mini Stadium in Mabudi, the Local Government Headquarters, a project that has been completed ready for use. Also an Ecological project for the construction of drainages and road networks in Sabon Gida has reached 80% rate of completion.
