Communities Laud Health Experts, Dr Adebayo and Dr Gabriel

Communities Laud Health Experts, Dr Adebayo and Dr Gabriel

By Abubakar Ilemona Ibrahim

The duo medical professionals, Dr Adebayo Adedokun Adekunle HHS SULEJA general hospital and Dr Gabrel of Gbric hospital Bwari FCT have been lauded of their professional display in their respective area

Dr Adebayo of the government own general hospital SULEJA was reported appraised of nice job and promptness in duty
According one suleman, from SULEJA said Alhaji Adabayo is truly a blessings to the hospital adding structures were puted by some business icon because of his effort
Adding that Dr Adebayo is a professional doctor of repute

Like wise in Bwari community laud Dr, Gabrel the medical director of Gbric hospital bwari over his effort especially assisting the patience through his philanthropy gestures in charging less and even a time treating free
A patient told this paper that the doctor is professional prowess and a disciplinarian that have done well 
He said today because of his gesture the hospital became fame and a household name in the area
