Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has launched the 2023 Armed Forces Remembrance Day and Emblem Appeal Fund in Plateau State with a renewed commitment towards supporting the Nigerian Legion.

Statement made available to this medium and was signed by Dr. Makut Simon Macham
Director of Press to the Governor stated that While performing the Launch at the Banquet Hall of the New Government House Little Rayfield Jos, the Governor said the solemn but important moment affords the people the privilege to pay tribute to the memories of those who laid their lives to make the society safe.

He said "Let us always remember and not take for granted the fact that in all the security challenges we have witnessed, the gallant officers and men of various security outfits put their lives on the line and make sacrifices to ensure that we live peacefully. Most times, the citizens are tempted to look only at the shortcomings of the armed forces without highlighting the successes they continue to record".

The Governor said despite the shortcomings of the security system, Nigerians must learn to salute the courage of the armed forces and their families for the sacrifices that they continue to make in ensuring that people sleep with our eyes closed. 

He said without giving them their due recognition and honour, it can easily dampen their morale and even discourage the younger generation from making similar sacrifices particularly now that patriotic men and women are needed to join the forces and assist Nigeria overcome its current security challenges. 

"Here on the Plateau, we have continued to witness increased peace and security which has gradually helped us to put behind security challenges of the past. I am happy that our efforts in the seven six years have yielded positive results with most of our people supporting efforts to engender peace and rebuild confidence in the State. We have sensitized our citizens to remember that our strength as a people lies in our diversity. In order to curb the activities of criminal elements that are bent on causing insecurity in the State through isolated attacks, we have taken the several steps to enhance the capacity of the security agencies to deal with such threats" he said. 
GOC 3 Div and Commander Operation Safe Haven Major General Ibrahim Ali commended the efforts by Government and non-governmental bodies for paying attention to the welfare of serving and retired officers and men of the armed forces. 

He said they have done a lot to protect Nigerians and in turn need to be taken care of in terms of welfare package and other allowances. 

Leader of the Nigerian Legion in Plateau State Col. Sati Yilwat Rtd said one of the ways to ensure that the labour of heroes and heroines does not go in vain is to see to it that the veterans and their families as well as the orphans they left behind are supported. 

He said the Nigerian Legion has remained a rallying point for Veterans and continues to do a lot in catering for the welfare of ailing members as well as the spouses and dependants of deceased bread-winners. 






